We started out with the Poetry Slam. This cool cat was the brilliant idea of David. He developed the idea with his classroom. Each student recited their own or borrowed poetry in front of the class. In the tradition of the Beatniks, they wore black and snapped their fingers in approval. It was such a hit, David was asked if he would organized a school event, opened to all students and whomever else would like to go on stage and recite poetry. The theme - a coffeehouse with candles at each table, everyone wore black, snapped their fingers instead of clapping, and even had a musician in the background, playing jazz as each one spoke. It was a huge success. He packed in a full house and kids and adults of all ages, got up and recited poetry. Even Natalie got into the act and recited, "Mr. Nobody".
My birthday soon followed. It started off a week before at my sister's house. She threw together a little party, where I enjoyed eating, opening gifts, and playing the wii. The celebration continued on throughout the week with the kids excitedly sharing with me their colorful birthday creations. On my actual birthday, I was awoken to lots of kisses and a birthday song. But the fun didn't stop there - my day at work was filled with birthday wishes and when I got home, I was greeted with flowers, a delicious meal and a surprise birthday cake that David made. My friend Nilofar came over and surprised me with a beautiful, hand-made table runner from Iran and we had a wonderful time watching Lost together. Something we haven't been able to do in almost a year, since she moved away from the neighborhood.

Life slowed down somewhat mid-month but soon picked up again last week. There was Noah's school play, Purim, and Noah's 6th birthday.
The night before Purim, Noah's kindergarten class performed a play for the parents. The children came up with an idea, wrote the play, created and painted the backdrops and costumes, and of course performed it for us. It was absolutely adorable and quite a success. Afterwards they each showed off their book reports. The subject was dinosaurs and the children had to do research on the Internet, write a story and illustrate it, and then recite it to the audience of parents. It was awesome to watch each of them reading - in Kindergarten. Their teacher, Mrs. Dean is a dynamic, amazing woman and teacher. We are very lucky to have her as Noah's teacher. Noah has already progressed into first grade reading and math levels. This is a great accomplishment. When he started Kindergarten he was slightly behind but now he is flying high.
Because the kids were off from school on Friday (Noah's birthday, Purim and Good Friday) and we wanted to share his birthday with his classroom, we began Noah's birthday celebration a day before. I brought in cupcakes and goodie bags. But all the fun and junk food didn't end there. A few hours after school ended, Noah, Natalie, David and I headed out for our Purim celebrations. The Megilla reading was brought to life through music, songs, and a wonderful puppet play that we enjoy attending year after year. Afterwards, I headed home with Noah (hey - Lost was on - I can't miss that) and David took Natalie to our shul and continued the fun by hanging out with friends and partying it up at their carnival.

Friday morning was filled with birthday hugs and kisses to Noah, and then delivering our Mishloah Manot baskets to the children's friends. That evening, we continued his birthday celebration with a huge family get together dinner. David's mother drove down from New Jersey to spend the weekend with us, David's uncle came by and of course, my sister and brother-n-law were there, as well as my niece and her children. A fun time was had by all and Noah was especially excited by his Spiderman birthday cake and all his birthday gifts.

Whew! What a weekend. We topped it off this morning by picking up Natalie from a birthday party sleepover and then headed to the Kosher Pastry Oven for a delicious breakfast and then said goodbye to Grandma.
So what else is on the schedule? Plenty! Spring has arrived, the trees and flowers are blossoming, the birds are singing and there are more festivities and get togethers to enjoy.