Monday, October 22, 2007

Support Your Local Farms

We do. One of our favorite past times during the summer and fall months is visiting local farms for their pick-your-own produce, and one of our favorites is Larriland Farm. Below are pictures from our recent excusion of apple picking
(and brocolli, beets, spinach & pumpkins).

You will also noticed pics from our summer blueberry outing. After reading Treppenwitz's post on blueberries, I just couldn't help myself. I rounded up the kids (aka mine and my neighbor's) and headed to the farm for blueberry picking. We also attempted to harvest the raspberries, but it was a little thorny. Mmmm, they were YUMMY. Thanks Dave, for the inspiration.

Izzy, Zerai, and Miriam

Noah's best friend, Yobel

Good thing, I am not afraid of heights

Our very own Great Pumpkin

See what eating spinach can do for you? Just ask Natalie - wow - that pumpkin sure was heavy!

Noah, sampling the fruits of labor

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sweet Cheeks - As She Grows

Natalie, 3 and 8 months old
I just love this picture - tantrum and all!

My cousins Bea and Sandy

Morgan, Natalie, Kyle and Maddie

Our Bubbe

Chilling out in California

Gravelly Point Park

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Our Sukkah Guests

David and Natalie built this wonderful sukkah and Noah and I chopped down bamboo for the final touch of the schach (the roof covering). We decorated with all sorts of pretty lights and fall gourds. The weather was gorgeous throughout the Chag (the holiday). Thanks everyone for celebrating with us.

From R to L - Margi, Larry, Jeff, Libby, David, Joe/Noah

Joe and Noah

Libby (David's Mom)

Jeff, Joe, Larry, Libby, Natalie, Margi, & David

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dinner and Dessert in Little Italy, Bawlmer

Waiting for dinner outside of La Tavola

David and I enjoying yummy Desserts at Vaccaro's, Little Italy's famous Pastry Shop

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Through Our Eyes. Pics will be posted soon - promise. Now that life will finally be settling down a bit from the whirlwind of August and September, I'll have time to play around and put up some family pictures for all to enjoy.

Last night David and I went to Little Italy to celebrate our 11th anniversary and not to brag, but I did look terrific, or in the words of my daughter, "Momma, You Look FABULOUS!" Though in a whim I throw up my hair and let my bangs hang down, David loved the way it looked, but I have to admit, and as well as he, that I looked like I was from Northern New Jersey with the flashback big hair. Of course, we snapped some pics with my phone and so those will be posted as well.

Thanks for stopping by.