If you would like to read more about our trip, click here.

*As far as it being an urban legend that Mark Twain is the author, I'm not sure. But since I'm still finding quotes that credits him, I will leave it.
Inspired by the ancient proverb "The Eyes are the Window to the Soul" and the Hebrew word, Neshama (Soul), I created this photoblog to share with friends and family. Through Our Eyes is our way of sharing glimpses of our joy, our fun, our getting older, and simply, our life, with those we care about and love.
*As far as it being an urban legend that Mark Twain is the author, I'm not sure. But since I'm still finding quotes that credits him, I will leave it.
See what eating spinach can do for you? Just ask Natalie - wow - that pumpkin sure was heavy!