Monday, October 22, 2007

Support Your Local Farms

We do. One of our favorite past times during the summer and fall months is visiting local farms for their pick-your-own produce, and one of our favorites is Larriland Farm. Below are pictures from our recent excusion of apple picking
(and brocolli, beets, spinach & pumpkins).

You will also noticed pics from our summer blueberry outing. After reading Treppenwitz's post on blueberries, I just couldn't help myself. I rounded up the kids (aka mine and my neighbor's) and headed to the farm for blueberry picking. We also attempted to harvest the raspberries, but it was a little thorny. Mmmm, they were YUMMY. Thanks Dave, for the inspiration.

Izzy, Zerai, and Miriam

Noah's best friend, Yobel

Good thing, I am not afraid of heights

Our very own Great Pumpkin

See what eating spinach can do for you? Just ask Natalie - wow - that pumpkin sure was heavy!

Noah, sampling the fruits of labor


treppenwitz said...

Don't thank me... I'm a giver! :-)

BTW, I am so jealous of you... I miss automn in the US.

treppenwitz said...

Er, I mean Autumn. :->