Sunday, October 14, 2007

Our Sukkah Guests

David and Natalie built this wonderful sukkah and Noah and I chopped down bamboo for the final touch of the schach (the roof covering). We decorated with all sorts of pretty lights and fall gourds. The weather was gorgeous throughout the Chag (the holiday). Thanks everyone for celebrating with us.

From R to L - Margi, Larry, Jeff, Libby, David, Joe/Noah

Joe and Noah

Libby (David's Mom)

Jeff, Joe, Larry, Libby, Natalie, Margi, & David


Unknown said...

Nice site and pics/commentaries - and a great day - thanks Jaime.

cruisin-mom said...

wow, Jaime, what a surprise...a new site!
Nice pics. Look forward to following your life through pictures.