Friday, October 10, 2008


He's been so funny, adorable and just plain amazing with all his questions and jokes that he makes up. I must remember to write them down because I can't seem to remember what he asked me. Some of them have to do with G-d, such as "where was Hashem born?" and other questions are about bugs, animals and people such as these "why do grown-ups work so much? Why don't they like to play?"

Our Yom Kippur dinner was filled with jokes from the kids with Noah leading them off with jokes that he made up. Now this is one that I remember. It's just so clever. (ok, he's six and I am just a little bit biased)

"Why didn't the egg cross the road?"

- because he was chicken

: )

Oh man, we have a little comic on our hands!!! I just love it!

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